Notes on the program of the Governor of Victoria.


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The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, hosted the Winston Churchill Fellowship Medallion Presentation.

Later, the Governor received the call of The Honourable Eric Holcomb, Governor of Indiana and David Rosenberg, Indiana Secretary of Commerce.

In the evening, the Governor and Professor Glyn Davis AC, attended The Puccini Gala Concert at Hamer Hall.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, received the call of the Honourable Ben Carroll MP, Deputy Premier of Victoria.

Later, the Governor received the call of Tim Pallas MP, Treasurer of Victoria.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, presided at a meeting of the Executive Council.

Later, the Governor attended a tour of The Johnston Collection.

In the afternoon, the Governor hosted an afternoon tea in honour of The Right Honourable the Lord Lyon King of Arms.

In the evening, the Governor attended a reception aboard the USS Emory S. Land.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, was represented by the Lieutenant-Governor, Professor James Angus AO, at the 2024 Victorian Landcare Awards.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, was represented by the Lieutenant-Governor, Professor James Angus AO, at the Premier’s VCE Awards.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, presided at a meeting of the Executive Council.

Later, the Governor received the call of Professor Marilyn Lake AO, Historian and Author, University of Melbourne.

In the afternoon, Captain Rupert Vicary, representing the Governor, attended the State Funeral Service for the Honourable Barry Thomas Pullen.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, was represented by Major General David McLachlan AO AO (Mil) (Ret’d) at the State Funeral Service for Stefan Romaniw OAM.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC toured Guide Dogs Victoria’s Kew Campus.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, received the farewell call of Kathleen Lively, Consul-General of the United States of America in Melbourne.

Then, the Governor received the call of Justin Hayhurst, Australian Ambassador to Japan.

In the evening, the Governor hosted the NAIDOC State Reception.


The Governor, Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, received the call of Makarand Bhagwat, President, Hindu Council of Australia Victoria Chapter.

Later, the Governor received the call of Tony Pearce, Chair, and Siusan MacKenzie, CEO, Emergency Services Foundation.

In the afternoon, the Governor toured the Coroners Court of Victoria.

Following this, the Governor received the call of Associate Professor Carolyn Holbrook, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Deakin University.